45. S. Vallés-Sanclemente, T. H. F. Vroomans, T. R. van Abswoude, F. Brulleman, T. Stavenga, S. L. M. van der Meer, Y. Xin, A. Lawrence, V. Singh, M. A. Rol, and L. DiCarlo,
Optimizing the frequency positioning of tunable couplers in a circuit QED processor to mitigate spectator effects on quantum operations,
44. H. Ali, J.F. Marques, O. Crawford, J. Majaniemi, M. Serra-Peralta, D. Byfield, B.M. Varbanov, B.M. Terhal, L. DiCarlo, and E.T. Campbell,
Reducing the error rate of a superconducting logical qubit using analog readout information,
Physical Review Applied 22, 044031 (2024).
43. N. Muthusubramanian, P. Duivestein, C. Zachariadis, M. Finkel, S.L.M. van der Meer, H.M. Veen, M.W. Beekman, T. Stavenga, A. Bruno, and L. DiCarlo,
Wafer-scale uniformity of Dolan-bridge and bridgeless Manhattan-style Josephson junctions for superconducting quantum processors,
Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 025006 (2024).
42. S. Vallés-Sanclemente*, S.L.M. van der Meer*, M. Finkel, N. Muthusubramanian, M.W. Beekman, H. Ali, J.F. Marques, C. Zachariadis, H.M. Veen, T. Stavenga, N. Haider, and L. DiCarlo,
Post-fabrication frequency trimming of coplanar-waveguide resonators in circuit QED quantum processors,
Applied Physics Letters 123, 034004 (2023).
* = equal contribution
41. J.F. Marques*, H. Ali*, B.M. Varbanov, M. Finkel, H.M. Veen, S.L.M. van der Meer, S. Valles-Sanclemente, N. Muthusubramanian, M.W. Beekman, N. Haider, B.M. Terhal, and L. DiCarlo,
All-microwave leakage reduction units for quantum error correction with superconducting transmon qubits,
Physical Review Letters 130, 250602 (2023).
* = equal contribution
40. T. Stavenga, S.A. Khan, Y. Liu, P. Krogstrup, and L. DiCarlo,
Lower-temperature fabrication of airbridges by grayscale lithography to increase yield of nanowire transmons in circuit QED quantum processors,
Applied Physics Letters 123, 024004 (2023).
39. M.S. Moreira, G.G. Guerreschi, W. Vlothuizen, J.F. Marques, J. van Straten, S.P. Premaratne, X. Zou, H. Ali, N. Muthusubramanian, C. Zachariadis, J. van Someren, M. Beekman, N. Haider, A. Bruno, C.G. Almudever, A.Y. Matsuura, and L. DiCarlo,
Realization of a quantum neural network using repeat-until-success circuits in a superconducting quantum processor,
NPJ Quantum Information 9, 118 (2023).
38. J.F. Marques, B.M. Varbanov, M.S. Moreira, H. Ali, N. Muthusubramanian, C. Zachariadis, F. Battistel, M. Beekman, N. Haider, W. Vlothuizen, A. Bruno, B. M. Terhal, and L. DiCarlo,
Logical-qubit operations in an error-detecting surface code,
Nature Physics 18, 80 (2022).
37. R. Sagastizabal, S.P. Premaratne, B.A. Klaver, M.A. Rol, V. Negîrneac, M. Moreira, X. Zou, S. Johri, N. Muthusubramanian, M. Beekman, C. Zachariadis, V.P. Ostroukh, N. Haider, A. Bruno, A.Y. Matsuura, and L. DiCarlo,
Variational preparation of finite-temperature states on a quantum computer,
NPJ Quantum Information 7, 130 (2021).
36. V. Negîrneac*, H. Ali*, N. Muthusubramanian, F. Battistel, R. Sagastizabal, M.S. Moreira, J.F. Marques, W. Vlothuizen, M. Beekman, N. Haider, A. Bruno, and L. DiCarlo,
High-fidelity controlled-Z gate with maximal intermediate leakage operating at the speed limit in a superconducting quantum processor,
Physical Review Letters 126, 220502 (2021).
* = equal contribution
35. B.M. Varbanov, F. Battistel, B.M. Tarasinski, V.P. Ostroukh, T.E. O’Brien, L. DiCarlo, and B.M. Terhal,
Leakage detection for a transmon-based surface code,
NPJ Quantum Information 6, 102 (2020).
34. M.A. Rol, L. Ciorciaro, F.K. Malinowski, B.M. Tarasinski, R.E. Sagastizabal, C.C. Bultink, Y. Salathe, N. Haandbaek, J. Sedivy, and L. DiCarlo,
Time-domain characterization and correction of on-chip distortion of control pulses in a quantum processor,
Applied Physics Letters 116, 054001 (2020).
33. C.C. Bultink, T.E. O’Brien, R. Vollmer, N. Muthusubramanian, M.W. Beekman, M.A. Rol, X. Fu, B. Tarasinski, V. Ostroukh, B. Varbanov, A. Bruno, and L. DiCarlo,
Protecting quantum entanglement from qubit errors and leakage via repetitive parity measurements,
Science Advances 6, eaay3050 (2020).
32. Zou, S.P. Premaratne, M.A. Rol, S. Johri, V. Ostroukh, D.J. Michalak, R. Caudillo, J.S. Clarke, L. DiCarlo, and A.Y. Matsuura,
Enhancing a near-term quantum accelerator’s instruction set architecture for materials science applications, IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 1,1 (2020).
31. T.E. O’Brien, B. Senjean, R. Sagastizabal, X. Bonet-Monroig, A. Dutkiewicz, F. Buda, L. DiCarlo, and L. Visscher,
Calculating energy derivatives for quantum chemistry on a quantum computer,
NPJ Quantum Information 5, 113 (2019).
30. M.A. Rol, F. Battistel, F.K. Malinowski, C.C. Bultink, B.M. Tarasinski, R. Vollmer, N. Haider, N. Muthusubramanian, A. Bruno, B.M. Terhal, and L. DiCarlo,
A fast, low-leakage, high-fidelity two-qubit gate for a programmable superconducting quantum computer,
Physical Review Letters 123, 120502 (2019).
29. R. Sagastizabal, X. Bonet-Monroig, M. Singh, M.A. Rol, C.C. Bultink, X. Fu, C.H. Price, V. P. Ostroukh, N. Muthusubramanian, A. Bruno, M. Beekman, N. Haider, T. E. O’Brien, and L. DiCarlo,
Error mitigation by symmetry verification on a variational quantum eigensolver,
Physical Review A 100, 010302(R) (2019).
28. X. Bonet-Monroig, R. Sagastizabal, M. Singh, and T.E. O’Brien,
Low-cost error mitigation by symmetry verification,
Physical Review A 98, 062339 (2018).
27. X. Fu, L. Riesebos, M. A. Rol, J. van Straten, J. van Someren, N. Khammassi, I. Ashraf, R. F. L. Vermeulen, V. Newsum, K. K. L. Loh, J. C. de Sterke, W. J. Vlothuizen, R. N. Schouten, C. G. Almudever, L. DiCarlo, and K. Bertels,
eQASM: An executable quantum instruction set architecture,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 224 (2019).
26. C. Dickel, J.J. Wesdorp, N.K. Langford, S. Peiter, R. Sagastizabal, A. Bruno, B. Criger, F. Motzoi, and L. DiCarlo,
Chip-to-chip entanglement of transmon qubits using engineered measurement fields,
Physical Review B 97, 064508 (2018).
25. F. Luthi, T. Stavenga, O.W. Enzing, A. Bruno, C. Dickel, N.K. Langford, M.A. Rol, T.S. Jespersen, J. Nygard, P. Krogstrup, and L. DiCarlo,
Evolution of nanowire transmons and their quantum coherence in magnetic field,
Physical Review Letters 120, 100502 (2018).
24. C.C. Bultink, B. Tarasinski, N. Haandbaek, S. Poletto, N. Haider, D. J. Michalak, A. Bruno, and L. DiCarlo,
General method for extracting the quantum efficiency of dispersive qubit readout in circuit QED,
Applied Physics Letters 112, 092601 (2018).
23. X. Fu, M.A. Rol, C.C. Bultink, J. van Someren, N. Khammassi, I. Ashraf, R.F.L. Vermeulen, J.C. de Sterke, W.J. Vlothuizen, R.N. Schouten, C.G. Almudever, L. DiCarlo, and K. Bertels,
An experimental microarchitecture for a superconducting quantum processor,
Micro-50 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (2017).
Winner of Best Paper Award!
22. T.E. O’Brien, B. Tarasinski, and L. DiCarlo,
Density-matrix simulation of small surface codes under current and projected experimental noise,
NPJ Quantum Information 3, 39 (2017).
21. R. Versluis, S. Poletto, N. Khammassi, N. Haider, D.J. Michalak, A. Bruno, K. Bertels, and L. DiCarlo,
Scalable quantum circuit and control for a superconducting surface code,
Physical Review Applied 4, 034021 (2017).
20. M.A. Rol, C.C. Bultink, T.E. O’Brien, S.R. de Jong, L.S. Theis, X.Fu, F.Luthi, R.F.L. Vermeulen, J.C. de Sterke, A. Bruno, D. Deurloo, R.N. Schouten, F.K. Wilhelm, and L. DiCarlo,
Restless tuneup of high-fidelity qubit gates,
Physical Review Applied, 7, 041001 (2017).
19. N.K. Langford, R. Sagastizabal, M. Kounalakis, C. Dickel, A. Bruno, F. Luthi, D. J. Thoen, A. Endo, and L. DiCarlo,
Experimentally simulating the dynamics of quantum light and matter at ultrastrong coupling,
Nature Communications 8, 1715 (2017).
18. C.C. Bultink, M.A. Rol, T.E. O’brien, X. Fu, B.C.S. Dikken, C. Dickel, R. Vermeulen, J.C. de Sterke, A. Bruno, R.N. Schouten, and L. DiCarlo,
Active resonator reset in the nonlinear dispersive regime of circuit QED,
Physical Review Applied, 6, 034008 (2016).
17. N. Samkharadze, A. Bruno, G. Zheng, P. Scarlino, D.P. DiVincenzo, L. DiCarlo, and L.M.K. Vandersypen,
High kinetic inductance superconducting nanowire resonators for circuit QED in a magnetic field,
Physical Review Applied 5, 044004 (2016).
16. S. Asaad*, C. Dickel*, N.K. Langford, S. Poletto, A. Bruno, M.A. Rol, D. Deurloo, and L. DiCarlo,
Independent, extensible control of same-frequency superconducting qubits by selective broadcasting, NPJ Quantum Information 2, 16029 (2016).
* = equal contribution
15. D. Ristè and L. DiCarlo,
Digital feedback in superconducting quantum circuits.
Ch. 8 of Superconducting Devices in Quantum Optics,
R.H. Hadfield and G. Johansson (Eds.), Springer (2016).
14. G. de Lange, B. van Heck, A. Bruno, D. J. van Woerkom, A. Geresdi, S. R. Plissard, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, A. R. Akhmerov, and L. DiCarlo,
Realization of microwave quantum circuits using hybrid superconducting-semiconducting nanowire Josephson elements,
Physical Review Letters, 115, 127002 (2015).
Physics Viewpoint article
13. A. Bruno, G. de Lange, S. Asaad, K. van der Enden, N. K. Langford, and L. DiCarlo,
Reducing intrinsic loss in superconducting resonators by surface treatment and deep etching of silicon substrates,
Applied Physics Letters 106, 182601 (2015).
12. D. Ristè*, S. Poletto*, M.-Z. Huang*, A. Bruno, V. Vesterinen, O.-P. Saira, and L. DiCarlo,
Detecting bit-flip errors in a logical qubit using stabilizer measurements,
Nature Communications 6, 6983 (2015).
* = equal contribution
11. A. Mezzacapo, U. Las Heras, J. S. Pedernales, L. DiCarlo, E. Solano, and L. Lamata,
Digital quantum Rabi and Dicke models in superconducting circuits,
Scientific Reports 4, 7182 (2014).
10. V. Vesterinen, O.-P. Saira, A. Bruno, and L. DiCarlo,
Mitigating information leakage in a crowded spectrum of weakly anharmonic qubits,
9. O.-P. Saira, J.P. Groen, J. Cramer, M. Meretska, G. de Lange, and L. DiCarlo,
Entanglement genesis by ancilla-based parity measurement in 2D circuit QED,
Physical Review Letters 112, 070502 (2014).
8. G. de Lange*, D. Ristè*, M. J. Tiggelman, C. Eichler, L. Tornberg, G. Johansson, A. Wallraff, R. N. Schouten, and L. DiCarlo,
Reversing quantum trajectories with analog feedback,
Physical Review Letters, 112, 080501 (2014).
* = equal contribution
7. D. Ristè, M. Dukalski, C.A. Watson, G. de Lange, M.J. Tiggelman, Ya.M. Blanter, K.W. Lehnert, R.N. Schouten, and L. DiCarlo,
Deterministic entanglement of superconducting qubits by parity measurement and feedback,
Nature 502, 350 (2013).
6. J.P. Groen, D. Ristè, L. Tornberg, J. Cramer, P.C. de Groot, T. Picot, G. Johansson, and L. DiCarlo,
Partial-measurement back-action and non-classical weak values in a superconducting circuit,
Physical Review Letters 111, 090506 (2013).
5. D. Ristè, C.C. Bultink, M.J. Tiggelman, R.N. Schouten, K.W. Lehnert, and L. DiCarlo,
Millisecond charge-parity fluctuations and induced decoherence in a superconducting qubit,
Nature Communications 4, 1913 (2013).
4. V. Ranjan*, G. de Lange*, R. Schutjens, T. Debelhoir, J.P. Groen, D. Szombati, D.J. Thoen, T.M. Klapwijk, R. Hanson, and L. DiCarlo,
Probing dynamics of an electron-spin ensemble via a superconducting resonator,
Physical Review Letters 110, 067004 (2013).
* = equal contribution
3. D. Ristè, C.C. Bultink, K.W. Lehnert, and L. DiCarlo,
Feedback control of a solid-state qubit using high-fidelity projective measurement,
Physical Review Letters 109, 240502 (2012).
2. D. Ristè, J.G. van Leeuwen, H.-S. Ku, K.W. Lehnert, and L. DiCarlo,
Initialization by measurement of a superconducting quantum bit circuit,
Physical Review Letters 109, 050507 (2012).
1. P.C. de Groot, S. Ashhab, A. Lupascu, L. DiCarlo, F. Nori, C.J.P.M. Harmans, and J.E. Mooij,
Selective darkening of degenerate transitions for implementing quantum controlled-NOT gates,
New Journal of Physics, 14, 073038 (2012).