The Quantum Matter and AI (QMAI) group led by Eliška Greplová is working at the intersection of quantum computing, artificial intelligence and condensed matter physics. Our main research interests include:
- Development of new algorithmic methods that improve existing quantum computing experiments and testing them experimentally with our collaborators.
- Using AI to better understand complex phenomena in condensed matter physics and then translate this understanding into applications in quantum computing.
- Figuring out how to implement complex emergent condensed matter phenomena with easy to engineer quantum devices bringing forward new ideas for encoding and manipulating quantum information.

More about Eliška
Eliška is an associate professor at Kavli Institute of Nanoscience and a group leader at QuTech and at Quantum Nanoscience department at Delft University of Technology. She leads the “Quantum Matter and AI” group, where she works at the intersection of quantum technologies, artificial intelligence and condensed matter physics.
In 2022–2023, Eliška was a visiting researcher at AI4Science Microsoft Research Amsterdam. Previously, Eliška was a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich in the group of Sebastian Huber. She obtained her PhD under supervision of Klaus Mølmer at Aarhus University and worked in the group of Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics) during her master studies and in the group of Igor Jex (CTU Prague) during her bachelor degree.
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