

QuTech. Creating the quantum future

Mission-driven research institute for quantum computing and quantum internet

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What we do at QuTech

At QuTech, we aim to develop scalable prototypes of a quantum computer and an inherently safe quantum internet, based on the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. To achieve these ambitious goals, we bring together scientists, engineers and industry in an inspiring environment. We are jointly creating the quantum future, because we believe that quantum technology can be a game changer in many social and economic sectors.

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A radically new technology with world-changing potential

After decades of hard work, new quantum technologies are now coming within reach. They have the potential to change many technological fields, from imaging to computation, as well as to profoundly affect many societal issues such as health and security. That is why countries and industries around the world are scrambling to stay ahead of developments in the quantum field. So, what is this technology actually about?

Learn more about quantum technologies