Quantum Teleportation - 2014
Teleporting people through space, as is done in Star Trek, is impossible by the laws of physics. Teleporting information is another matter, however, thanks to the extraordinary world of quantum mechanics. Researchers at TU Delft’s Kavli Institute of Nanoscience have succeeded in deterministically transferring the information contained in a quantum bit – the quantum analogue of a classical bit – to a different quantum bit 3 metres away, without the information having travelled through the intervening space: teleportation. The results are published online in Science, on Thursday 29 May.
Beam me up data!
Below you can find relevant articles, an image gallery and video gallery. Please click on the image or link to get more information. The material may be used free of royalties for purposes of news items when adding ‘Image: Hanson lab@TUDelft’.

Press Release and News items
- Press release of the TU Delft: English, Dutch
- The New York Times: English
- The Huffington Post: English
- Time: English
- CBS News and ABC News: English and English
- De Telegraaf: Dutch
- nu.nl: Dutch
- nos.nl: Dutch
- The Independent: English
- The Telegraph: English
- BBC: English
- phys org: English
- RTL nieuws: Dutch
- gizmodo: English
- motherboard.vice: English
- cnet.com: English
- The Sydney Morning Herald: English
- Dutch radio1:Diederik Jekel, Radio journaal, Bruno van Wayenburg
- Tweakers: Dutch
- GeenStijl: Dutch
Scientific article
Unconditional quantum teleportation between distant solid-state qubits
W. Pfaff, B. Hensen, H. Bernien, S. B. van Dam, M. S. Blok, T. H. Taminiau, M. J. Tiggelman, R. N., Schouten, M. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, R. Hanson
Science, published online May 29, 2014.
DOI: 10.1126/science.1253512
link to online article

(left) This image shows one of the two chips used in the teleportation experiment. The diamond can be seen wired up exactly in the centre of the image. (right) Zoom in of the diamond chip: under each dome there is a small register of quantum bits.

A forest of optical elements to guide single photons from- and laser beams to each diamond.

This image shows the experimental bright setup used to teleport the state of a spin between two distant diamonds. The diamonds are hosted in two low-temperature microscopes, that can be seen on the far corners of the table.

This image shows the experimental dark setup used to teleport the state of a spin between two distant diamonds. The diamonds are hosted in two low-temperature microscopes, that can be seen on the far corners of the table.

This image is an electron microscope picture of one of the two devices, with a fictitious teleportation beam added. The image is about 40 micrometer wide in reality.

This image is an electron microscope picture of one of the two devices, with a fictitious teleportation beam added. The image is about 40 micrometer wide in reality.
This animation shows schematically how to teleport the state of a spin between two distant locations.
teleportation HD from Hannes Bernien on Vimeo.
In the short video below, Ronald Hanson explains several aspects of quantum teleportation, including a description of the experiment and the consequences of the expected results (at the time of filming the teleportation experiment was not yet performed).
English version, Dutch version