Join our lab!
We are looking to fill two postdoctoral positions, in the areas of (1) automated calibration of spin qubits and in (2) developing superconducting circuits coupled to germanium quantum dots and weak links. Links will be posted here; in the meantime, please reach out to Anasua. We are seeking an candidate with an experimental background in condensed-matter or quantum information.
We are always interested in motivated BEP and MEP students excited about doing hands-on science.
We are not currently recruiting for any PhD positions.
Unfortunately, we do not have funding for summer students or internship students. If you have a scholarship or are open to applying for funding yourself, feel free to contact Anasua.
Additionally, you are very welcome to explore options to secure your own independent funding (Marie Curie fellowships, Kavli KIND Fellowships, country-specific outgoing funding for graduating PhDs). In this case, please first contact Anasua to discuss options.
Contacting Anasua: Firstname dot Lastname at tudelft dot nl.