What we do
Protected Qubits
The number one quantum computing challenge is that qubits are extremely fragile. At QuTech’s Qubit Research (QuRe) division, we are working to overcome this challenge by developing novel qubits that are protected from noise by design. Our mission: to understand, develop and demonstrate protected qubits that outperform established technology. Because we believe that protected qubits will be enable us to build a scalable quantum computer.
Research labs
Retracted Majorana publications
In recent years, irregularities were identified in a couple of Majorana publications (co-)authored by researchers from the Kouwenhoven group. The irregularities led to the retraction of two publications and investigations into possible violation(s) of scientific integrity. No violations of scientific integrity were found. Over the past years, QuTech and TU Delft have communicated openly about the series of events and the investigations.