Preliminary Schedule

Wednesday 14:30 – 18:15* Nano
22:00 – 23:00 Questions/discussion
Thursday 08:30 – 10:45 Transduction
10:45 – 15:40 Spectroscopy
15:40 – 17:20 Classical processing
22:00 – 23:00 Question/discussion
Friday 09:00 – 12:45 Quantum processing
16:00 – 17:15 Questions/discussion + wrap up

*All times are local times in Delft (CEST)

Preliminary Presentations Schedule

Wednesday 7
Session Starting time Duration (incl. questions) Speaker Title
Welcome 14:30 15 Wolfgang Tittel
Nano 1 14:45 30 Andrei Faraon Introduction and overview
Nano 1 15:15 20 Andreas Reiserer Coherent emission of erbium in a high-Q resonator
Break 15:35 20
Nano 2 15:55 20 Lorenz Weiss Erbium in silicon nanophotonic structures
Nano 2 16:15 20 David Hunger Progress towards single Eu ion qubits
Nano 2 16:35 20 Songtao Chen Parallel single-shot measurement and coherent control of solid-state spins below the diffraction limit
Break 16:55 20
Nano 3 17:15 20 Mi Lei On chip optical quantum memories using erbium doped crystals and silicon photonics
Nano 3 17:35 20 Andrei Ruskuc Single Yb171 rare-earth ion qubits
Nano 3 17:55 20 ? (Riedmatten group) placeholder for new results
Dinner break 18:15 225
Q&A 22:00 60
End 23:00

Thursday 8

Session Starting time Duration Speaker Title
Welcome 08:30 5 Wolfgang Tittel
Transduction 1 08:35 30 Jevon Longdell Hybrid Quantum systems using fully Concentrated Rare Earth Crystals
Transduction 1 09:05 20 John Bartholomew Coherent microwave to optical transducers using planar rare-earth ion devices
Break 09:25 20
Transduction 2 09:45 20 Matt Berrington Efficient frequency conversion using a magnon mode in a rare earth crystal
Transduction 2 10:05 20 Louis Nicolas Loop-gap resonator in Yb:YSO
Break 10:25 20
Spectroscopy 1 10:45 30 Mike Reid Investigation of the Hyperfine structure of Ho3+ in Y2SiO4
Spectroscopy 1 11:15 20 Eloïse Lafitte-Houssat Optical and spin inhomogeneous linewidths in Yb:Y2SiO5 single crystals
Spectroscopy 1 11:35 20 Marianne Le Dantec Millisecond spin coherence in an erbium-doped crystal
Lunch Break 11:55 125
Spectroscopy 2 14:00 20 Jeff Thompson Recent material development
Spectroscopy 2 14:20 20 Nao Harada Rare earth doped thin films for quantum technologies
Spectroscopy 2 14:40 20 Tian Zhong Epitaxial rare-earth qubits and hybrid systems
Spectroscopy 2 15:00 20 ? (Tittel/Cone group) placeholder for new results
Break 15:20 20
Classical processing 1 15:40 20 David Gustavsson Slow light laser frequency stabilization
Classical processing 1 16:00 20 Lothaire Ulrich High performance photonic RF filter using Tm:YAG crystal
Break 16:20 20
Classical processing 2 16:40 20 Anne Louchet-Chauvet Time-reversal of RF signals with an atomic processor
Classical processing 2 17:00 20 Beth Fang-Sortais & Signe Seidelin From Ultra-stable Lasers to Optomechanical Resonators using Rare-earth Systems
Dinner Break 17:20 280
Q&A 22:00 60
End 23:00
Friday 9
Session Starting time Duration Speaker Title
Welcome 09:00 5 Wolfgang Tittel
Quantum processing 1 09:05 30 Matthew Sellars Scalable linear optical quantum computing based on rare earth quantum memories: concepts and progress
Quantum processing 1 09:35 20 Rose Ahlefeldt Strong resonant optical coupling between two erbium ions in silicon
Break 09:55 20
Quantum processing 2 10:15 20 Thierry Chanelière Superhyperfine induced photon-echo collapse of erbium in Y2SiO5
Quantum processing 2 10:35 20 Sergey Moiseev Storage of low-photon pulses on Tm3+: Y3Al5O12 crystal in cavity assistant quantum memory ROSE protocol
Quantum processing 2 10:55 20 Zong-Quan Zhou Long-lived coherent optical storage
Break 11:15 20
Quantum processing 3 11:35 20 ? (Tittel group) Storing light in long-lived optical coherence of Tm:YGG
Quantum processing 3 11:55 20 ? (Riedmatten group) Entanglement of solid-state quantum memories
Quantum processing 3 12:15 30 ? (Afzelius group) Placeholder for new results
Lunch Break 12:45 195
Q&A 16:00 60
Closing 17:00 15 Wolfgang Tittel
End 17:15