Shannon de Groot-Finch

Room F018
Shannon de Groot-Finch is originally from Phoenix, Arizona where she went to school at Arizona State University and studied at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. There she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Telecommunications, Broadcast Journalism, Film & TV. She worked on small films, commercials as well as major motion pictures such as Tombstone & The Quick and the Dead before immigrating to Holland for love. The film industry in the mid 90’s was difficult to get into in Holland especially if you did not speak Dutch, therefore she migrated to working for companies where English was the working language, and she could use her organizational skills.
Over the past 20 years in Holland Shannon has worked for companies such as Shell B.V., Erasmus MC, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Mars food & Candy and Eastman Chemical. Each time as luck would have it, a reorganization sent her on to her next challenge. From Eastman Shannon happily accepted a new position at QuTech (January 2021) to join the other Sr. Management Assistants with the diverse and ever-growing work that is needed due to the continuous growth of QuTech. Shannon will be working in the Quantum Internet Division assisting with various QuTech projects, among other things.
In her spare time she plays and coaches Women’s Fast pitch Softball in Schiedam, otherwise she watches her son play baseball for Neptunus 1 and her daughter play for Schiedam 1 Softball. Shannon also plays recreational volleyball with men at her gym on Tuesday nights (pre-Corona). She watches avidly in the cold dark days Netflix & Prime.