Jeroen van Straten

Almudever Group
Jeroen van Straten (Zoetermeer, Netherlands, 1991) studied Electrical Engineering at the TU Delft, ultimately receiving his MSc in Computer Engineering in 2016. For his thesis project, he redesigned and reimplemented the r-VEX reconfigurable VLIW processor from scratch. Jeroen continued working on the project for two more years as a research engineer employed by the Quantum & Computer Engineering department. During this time, he also worked on the classical portion of the CC-light quantum control system, and thus first got in contact with QuTech.
After these two years, he tried his hand at an industry job through Technolution, working as a designer in their configurable logic department. While he experienced the work itself to be a perfect match, the company culture was unfortunately not as he had hoped. Half a year later, around the end of 2018, he found himself back in the EEMCS high-rise as a research engineer, now employed through QuTech.
Within QuTech, Jeroen focuses on the classical software and hardware needed to make a quantum computer tick. In 2019, together with Matthijs Brobbel, he built the DQCsim simulation framework. To bridge the gap between qubit simulators like QX and QuantumSim and classical control architecture emulators. He then proceeded to work on the cQASM language and OpenQL compiler with the goal of improving support mixed quantum-classical algorithms and has been working on those components since.
In his spare time, Jeroen enjoys tinkering with electronics, driving and hiking through nature, and a good sci-fi series or movie to wind down.