Janice van Dam

Room 22. B109
Wehner Group
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janice-v-109989120/
Quantum internet division
Janice received a Bachelor's degree in Physics and Astronomy from Utrecht University in 2020 and followed this up with a Master's degree in Applied Physics at TU Delft (degree received in 2022). In the Master's program Janice specialized in Physics for Quantum Devices and Quantum Computing, concluded with a Master's thesis on satellite based entanglement distribution as a collaboration between Wehner and Borregaard group at QuTech. Current research focuses on the design of photonic clients to facilitate blind quantum computing in metropolitan quantum networks as part of the Quantum Internet Alliance.
Janice enjoys public outreach and is thereby part of the QuTech speakers (https://qutech.nl/outreach/speakers/). For her Master's thesis Janice was invited to speak about her research at the European Space Agency (https://www.esa.int/gsp/ACT/coffee/2022-06-03%20-%20Janice%20van%20Dam/) and she is open to give talks on popular science or more in depth level on current or past research on quantum internet!