Hans Beukers

Room F007
Hanson Lab
Hans Beukers studied both Physics and Medicine at the University of Groningen. He did his master research project for physics at QuTech in the lab of Ronald Hanson and for medicine in cardiac electrophysiology at the Leiden University Medical Center. He decided to continue with a PhD in physics and started in March 2020 in the Lab of Ronald Hanson.
He is currently working on three party remote entanglement in a quantum network consisting of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. He is also researching tin vacancies centers in diamond, a new but promising platform, which might alleviate the main drawback of NV centers: it’s low entanglement generation rate.
In his spare time, Hans likes to play double bass and bass guitar. As such he is member of the QuTech band, which has the honor to play during the QuTech summer BBQ and the Christmas party. He likes to play tennis and during the summer you can find him on the water in different types of sailing boats.