Figen Yilmaz

Room E231
Andersen Lab
Figen Yilmaz | LinkedIn
Figen YILMAZ (@orionfigen) / Twitter
Figen received BSc in Physics and her first master degree in Astrophysics from Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University in Turkey then moved to Cyprus for a second master degree in Quantum Computing science with special emphasis on Quantum Algorithms and implementations of Grover Algorithms by using IBM Qiskit.
From April to November in 2021, she joined Quantum Electronics Lab with Prof. Chii-Dong Chen at Academia Sinica in Taiwan as a research assistant mainly for the execution of single superconducting qubit characterizations in RF-regime and promoted the constituent of multi-disciplinary fields to realize superconducting qubit systems with new aspects. Meanwhile, she participated in the fabrications. Beyond the efforts above, she devoted her contributions to IBM Qiskit-Metal in the development of new libraries as well.
Figen joined the Andersen Lab as a PhD student in November 2021.
She enjoys biking, hiking, diving and tango dancing. Visiting old cities and learning new cultures are the most interesting parts of life, she thinks. She used to play on stage as an amateur stage player, would like to continue but first needs to learn the Dutch language.