David Sayago

Room E139
David Sayago (Madrid, Spain, 1970) studied Solid State Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, before moving to Berlin to carry out his PhD at the Fritz-Haber Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft on structural studies of molecular adsorbates on surfaces. After getting his PhD at the Freie Universität Berlin, he continued his research career in the area of Surface Physics as a postdoc (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Rome, Italy; back Fritz-Haber-Institut) to end his research career back at his alma mater, UAM.
Afterwards, he worked as a Scientific and Policy officer at the Spanish Rectors Conference and the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, where he was the National Delegate to various European Commission Committees. David was part of the Spanish EU Presidency Team in 2010. Later he worked in research centres as support staff, before joining the TU Delft Valorisation Centre in 2016 as EU subsidy advisor. In July 2019 he joined QuTech as QINC programme manager.
Since September 2020 he works for the QuTech Business Unit shaping strategic projects, coordinating Intellectual Property activities and supporting start-up creation. He was part of the Dutch Delegation to the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure Board chaired by the European Commission.