Are you looking for more information about quantum technology on a non-specialist level? The researchers and engineers from QuTech sometimes get invited to podcasts and interviews to explain their work, the state of the art of quantum technology, and the societal impact of quantum computing and the future quantum internet. Below you can find links to the Dutch, English and German language podcasts, interviews and lectures in which our specialists were featured. Do you want to invite a QuTech specialist as well? Take a look at our QuTech Speakers list and reach out to them.
Marios Samiotis - Hellenic Physical Society Event (Greek)
12 Jan 2025 – Marios Samiotis gave a talk to high school students in his home country: Greece. In this talk, he gives a short introduction on quantum information theory, more specifically on what a qubit is, and how one can interact with it. Afterwards, he shifts gears and explores how one can bring a physical qubit to life in the lab, and he gives a few examples from existing platforms. Near the end of the talk, Marios presents a simple two-qubit simulation of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet which he performed on Quantum Inspire and he gives some perspective on the scaling of such simulations.

Anne-Marije Zwerver - Science Café by Studium Generale Universiteit Utrecht (Dutch)
4 Nov 2024 – Quantum mechanics is perhaps the strangest branch of physics: a particle is simultaneously a wave, a zero is also a one, and a cat can be both dead and alive at the same time. This raises questions, for how is it that our perception does not match reality? High time for a quantum mechanics crash course and a look to the future. What dangers and promises does it bring? Anne-Marije Zwerver explains!
Anne-Marije Zwerver - Nieuwsuur (Dutch)
23 Oct 2024 – One of eight quantum computers is soon to rise at the Amsterdam Science Park. What does the arrival of this expensive computer mean and what technology is behind it? SURF submitted the application to host the quantum computer to EuroHPC JU earlier this year, in coordination with Quantum Delta NL, and was submitted on behalf of a broad consortium, including the TU Delft. Watch from 35min00 to learn more about the European quantum computer at SURF, featuring our Anne-Marije Zwerver, co-founder of Groove Quantum.

Anne-Marije Zwerver - BNR Nieuwsradio (Dutch)
28 July 2024 – At QuTech in Delft, researchers are working on the computer of the future, the quantum computer. Researcher Anne-Marije Zwerver says those computers “can perform calculations that would take normal computers billions of years.
Ronald Hanson - Pioneering Tech (Dutch)
7 June 2024 – Host Anic van Damme visits scientists and tech start-ups to discover what it takes to accelerate radical innovation. Ronald Hanson is featured on this episode of the Pioneering Tech podcast. He speaks about his quantum research and market readiness of quantum technology.

Janice van Dam & Bob Dirks - Studium Generale Universiteit Leiden (Dutch)
28 March 2024 – Quantum encryption, quantum computing, quantum entanglement… anyone who keeps an eye on the news knows: we are in the second quantum revolution. In this lecture series by Studium Generale Universiteit Leiden, experts offer everyone the key to a better understanding of quantum mechanics. In this lecture Janice van Dam (QuTech) and Bob Dirks (TNO) outline groundbreaking applications that could become a reality. From generating encryption keys to encrypting confidential information to calculations for developing new drugs and materials through distributed quantum computing.
Kees Eijkel - NPO Radio 1: Geld of je leven - (Dutch)
18 March 2024 – Companies and governments need to start protecting themselves from the quantum computer very soon. At least that is the warning of twenty MEPs and the AIVD. Because this computer might just crack all digital secrets. Kees Eijkel is Director of Business Development at QuTech, Europe’s largest quantum institute, and talks about it in ‘Geld of je leven’.

Kees Eijkel - BNR Digitaal - (Dutch)
31 January 2024 – Quantum computing is one of the great technological future promises and The Netherlands leads the way in this field. Kees Eijkel, Director of Business Development at QuTech, was invited on BNR Digitaal to talk about the funding of everything quantum.
Direct – Spotify – Apple Podcasts
Ronald Hanson - Reykjavík University Podcast - (English)
31 October 2023 – Dr. Ronald Hanson, professor at the Delft University of Technology and QuTech in the Netherlands, gave a short lecture at Reykjavík University on behalf of the Faculty of Engineering on the occasion of the university’s 25th anniversary in 2023. Dr. Sigurður I. Erlingsson, professor at the Faculty of Engineering HR, speaks to Ronald about his research on the foundations of quantum theory and its practical applications in their own university podcast.

Antonio Manesco - Under the Microscope (English)
29 September 2023 – Antonio Manesco is a postdoc researcher at TU Delft (the Netherlands). In this episode we cover quantum materials, quantum computing, qubits, topological insulators, need for open science and the inequality in academia.
Anne-Marije Zwerver - NEMO
26 September 2023 – Anne-Marije Zwerver, postdoc at QuTech, created two videos in collaboration with NEMO to speak about the quantum internet and why the smallest particles on earth don’t behave the way you would expect them to. Anne-Marije’s explanation in these videos answers questions that are asked by people on the NEMO 100 Jaar website.
Video 1: ”Which internet is unhackable?”
Video 2: ”The smallest particles on earth don’t behave the way you would expect”

Kian van der Enden - The Royal Institution (English)
13 September 2023 – The information quantum computers can provide us with will be worlds away from standard computers. Because of this, the standard internet alone will not suffice in allowing us to access this quantum information; a quantum internet must be developed to keep up with the immense increase in computational power. Join Kian van der Enden as he explores how we can build the internet the future will need, a quantum internet and whether it will be truly unhackable. In this talk, discover everything about this exciting technology and its applications both for the quantum and current internet. From the usefulness of quantum teleportation to how this could shape our world.
Leo Kouwenhoven - De Toekomst van Computers on NPO Radio 1 (Dutch)
9 August 2023 – A computer built on particles that can teleport and be in two places at once. It may sound like magic, but it is a reality not too far in the future, as the quantum computer is under construction. One of the people inherently linked to the construction of that quantum computer is Leo Kouwenhoven, physicist and professor at TU Delft. In 2012, he discovered evidence for the Majorana particle; a major breakthrough in the field of quantum computing. That was major news at the time, but now we are eleven years down the road and the quantum computer is still futuristic. So how close are we to building the first real quantum computer? And will it really be the computer of the future?

Arian Stolk - TNO #ditisonzetijd Podcast (Dutch)
1 August 2023 – Quantum technology is elusive to many, but it has the potential to dramatically change our understanding of nature and the world around us. Using the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum technology can solve problems that are unsolvable for classical computers. This opens the door to unimaginable breakthroughs in various fields, such as materials science, medicine and artificial intelligence. Arian Stolk talks about all these things and more in this podcast.
Lieven Vandersypen - Symposium Parlement & Wetenschap (Dutch)
25 May 2023 – Director of Research Lieven Vandersypen opened a symposium for Dutch House of Representatives staff on the implications of quantum technology. The lecture was attended by over 80 invited guests, including members of parliament, representatives of the Digital Affairs Committee, representatives from various ministries, the Rathenau Institute, TNO, and others.

Marta Pita Vidal - Becarios por el mundo (Spanish)
16 May 2023 – The Asociación de Becarios de la Fundación Barrié created a video with Marta Pita Vidal as part of a series of videos called ‘Becarios por el mundo’ (‘Scholars around the world’). These videos are presented by former scholars of the Barrié Foundation, the Spanish foundation that funded Marta’s master studies five years ago. The goal is to inspire and awaken vocation among young people, as well as to provide information about the topics on which former scholars are working at the moment. In this case, Marta talks about quantum computing in general and about the research we do here at QuTech.
Anne-Marije Zwerver - Universiteit van Nederland (Dutch)
11 January 2023 – The quantum computer is going to change our world in ways we cannot even imagine. Because of its enormous computing power, the quantum computer can perform difficult calculations super quickly, which would take your own computer over a million years.
It can also make great strides in science, such as developing personalised medicine or more energy-efficient batteries. In this video, Anne-Marije Zwerver explains exactly how this computer of the future works. Will you soon have a quantum computer at home?

Sjoerd Loenen - WerkWerkWerk Podcast (Dutch)
17 December 2022 – Sjoerd Loenen has been invited on the WerkWerkWerk podcast by Kaz Vermeer. In this podcast he talks about his career choices and his research.
Ingrid Romijn - BNR Zakendoen (Dutch)
3 November 2022 – QuTech’s spin-off Q*Bird is the first to deploy a new type secure quantum network that can connect multiple users via a center hub in a cost-effective and scalable manner. This will ensure an untappable internet connection between many users, spread out throughout the Port of Rotterdam. Ingrid Romijn is invited at BNR Zakendoen to explain how it all works and tells you everything you need to know about Q*Bird.
Direct Link – Apple Podcasts – Spotify (Segment starts at 1:15:10)

Sjoerd Loenen - Felix Meritis (Dutch)
14 October 2022 – What is a quantum computer? How can this new computer perform calculations that are unattainable with a normal computer? And why is the quantum internet so secure? Sjoerd Loenen explains it all in this Felix Meritis lecture.
Hans Beukers - BNR De Technoloog (Dutch)
7 June 2022 – Scientists at QuTech recently succeeded in teleporting quantum information over a network between three computers: a world first. What will the future of quantum technology bring us, and why do we actually need a quantum network? Our guest is Hans Beukers, researcher at QuTech. He worked on the breakthrough and tells us all about the technology. Will it eventually be possible to teleport things other than data? Who knows?

Anne-Marije Zwerver - De Nieuws BV (Dutch)
1 June 2022 – Until recently, it was only something seen in science fiction movies, such as Star Trek. But now it is really possible: teleportation. Researchers at QuTech in Delft have become the first in the world to succeed in teleporting information. Anne-Marije Zwerver explains what this breakthrough means.
Hans Beukers - BNR Digitaal (Dutch)
1 June 2022 – Researchers from QuTech in Delft have succeeded in ‘teleporting’ information within a network of three quantum computers. Hans Beukers is our guest to talk about this world first. He is one of the researchers at QuTech.

Anne-Marije Zwerver - De Nieuws BV (Dutch)
31 March 2022 – A major breakthrough in science! Because the key building blocks of the quantum computer have been made in a factory for the first time! And with that, the futuristic supercomputer is one step closer. Anne-Marije Zwerver is working on this subject for her PhD. Together with Intel, she has produced qubits using existing machines from the company’s factories. In De Nieuws BV she explains why this is an important breakthrough.
Sjoerd Loenen - Van Leeuwenhoek lecture (Dutch)
20 March 2022 – Calculations that we can now only dream of and an unhackable internet – just a few of the promises of quantum technology. Quantum technology is experiencing a growth spurt: more and more newspapers are running headlines about breakthroughs and successes of the computer with unprecedented computing power. But what exactly is a quantum computer? How can this new computer perform calculations that are unattainable with a normal computer? And why is the quantum internet so secure? Sjoerd Loenen explains it all!

Kian van der Enden - Galileo (German)
27 January 2022 – Galileo, the well known German TV show, invited Kian van der Enden to speak about the future of the internet. Which is currently being developed in The Netherlands. The quantum internet is not only supposed to maximize speed, but also protect against hackers. They visited QuTech, at the Technical University in Delft to learn more about the internet of the future.
Anne-Marije Zwerver - NPO Radio 1: Villa VdB (Dutch)
20 January 2022 – ”In the foreseeable future, the quantum computer is going to change our lives, and that comes with certain dangers.” This warning comes from the Dutch intelligence service (AIVD). Anne-Marije Zwerver explains what the quantum computer does and how it will affect our future.

To view QuTech Talks from 2021 or earlier, visit our archive page.
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