Quantum computing for the curious
QuTech aims to spark enthusiasm and curiosity for quantum technologies among a wider audience. We are keen to share our fascination of quantum science with anyone, including youth of all ages (such as primary and high school students), technology enthusiasts, professionals and politicians, and future users.
Our principal investigators are widely recognized in the Netherlands and abroad as thought leaders in the field, and thus are often asked to contribute their expert view on quantum technology to media productions, companies and institutions. Furthermore, in 2019, QuTech founded QuTech Speakers, a group of young and highly motivated PhD students, engineers, and postdoctoral researchers who provide lectures, lab tours, blogs, and podcasts for a broad audience.
- Visit our Annual Report section for our outreach highlights.

A blog by QuTech
Bits of Quantum
QuTech has its own blog, written by the people of QuTech and run by a voluntary editorial team. The blog offers content for all, with difficulty levels ranging from easy (containing no physics at all) to advanced. Always wanted to read about how life at QuTech goes, or know more about quantum computing and quantum communication?
We like to share our quantum stories with the world
Do you have media questions, an invitation for presentations, or ideas to express about outreach? Send an email to QuTech communications.