This page provides an overview of the research output of our group.
Selected works
- On the Quantum Performance Evaluation of Two Distributed Quantum Architectures (2021). Won the Best paper award Performance 2021
- NetSquid, a NETwork Simulator for QUantum Information using Discrete events (2021). Introduces our quantum network simulator NetSquid. Published in Nature’s Communications Physics (2021)
- A link layer protocol for quantum networks (2019). First physical and link layer protocols for quantum networks. Published in SIGCOMM ’19
- Quantum internet: A Vision for the road ahead (2018). Proposal of development stages toward a full-blown quantum internet, published in Science (2018)
- Loophole-free Bell test (2015). Published in Nature (2015)
- Quantum Network Explorer Website for learning about quantum networks + tools for developing quantum network applications
- NetSquid Software tool for the modelling and simulation of scalable quantum networks
- SimulaQron Application level simulator for a quantum internet that allows you to program your own quantum internet applications