Home Labs and Groups Goswami Lab Goswami Lab | Publications



A flux-controlled two-site Kitaev chain
I. Kulesh, S.L.D. ten Haaf, Q. Wang, V.P.M. Sietses, Y. Zhang, S.R. Roelofs, C.G. Prosko, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, S. Goswami
arXiv: 2501.15912 (2025)


Cross-Platform autonomous control of minimal Kitaev chains
D. van Driel, R. Koch, V.P.M. Sietses, S.L.D. ten Haaf, C.-X. Liu, F. Zatelli, B. Roovers, A. Bordin, N. van Loo, G. Wang, J.C. Wolff, G.P. Mazur, T. Dvir, I. Kulesh, Q. Wang, A.M. Borzkurt, S. Gazibegovic, G. Badawy, E.P.A.M. Bakkers, M. Wimmer, S. Goswami, J.L. Lado, L.P. Kouwenhoven, E. Greplova
arXiv: 2405.04596 (2024)

Spatial dependence of local density of states in semiconductor-superconductor hybrids
Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, S. Karwal, S. Goswami
Nano Letters, 24, 43,13558-13563 (2024); arXiv: 2406.06410 (2024)

Edge and bulk states in a three-site Kitaev chain
S.L.D. ten Haaf, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, A. Bordin, C.-X. Liu, I. Kulesh, V.P.M. Sietses, C.G. Prosko, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, M.T. Wimmer, S. Goswami
arXiv: 2410.00658 (2024)

A two-site Kitaev chain in a two-dimensional electron gas
S.L.D. ten Haaf, Q. Wang, A.M. Bozkurt, C.-X. Liu, I. Kulesh, P. Kim, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, T. Dvir, M. Wimmer, S. Goswami
Nature, 630, 329-334 (2024); arXiv: 231103208


Triplet correlations in Cooper pair splitters realized in a two-dimensional electron gas
Q. Wang, S.L.D. ten Haaf, I. Kulesh, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, S. Goswami
Nature Communications, 14, 4876; arXiv: 2211.05763

Flux-tunable Josephson effect in a four-terminal junction
C.G. Prosko, W.D. Huisman, I. Kulesh, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, S. Goswami
Phys.Rev. B, 110, 064518; arXiv: 2311.17158

Supercurrent mediated by helical edge modes in bilayer graphene
P. Rout, N. Papadopoulos, F. Peñaranda, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, E. Prada, P. San-Jose, S. Goswami
Nature Communications, 15, 856 (2024); arXiv: 2303.10505

Stabilizing the inverted phase of a WSe2/BLG/WSe2 heterostructure via hydrostatic pressure
M. Kedves, B. Szentpéteri, Albin Márffy, E. Tóvári, N. Papadopoulos, P.K. Rout. K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Goswami, Z. Csonka, P. Makk
Nano Letters, 23, 9508-9514 (2024); arXiv: 2303.12622

Flux-tunable hybiridization in a double quantum dot interferometer
C.G. Prosko, I. Kulesh, M. Chan, L. Han, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, S. Goswami, F.K. Malinowski
SciPost Phys. 17, 074 (2024); arXiv: 2303.04144


Controlling Andreev bound states with the magnetic vector potential
C.M. Möhle, P.K. Rout, N.A. Jainandunsing, D. Kuiri, C.T. Ke, D. Xiao, C. Thomas, M.J. Manfra, M.P. Nowak, S. Goswami
Nano Lett. 22, 21, 8601-8607, arXiv: 2207.06933


InSbAs two-dimensional electron gases as a platform for topological superconductivity
C.M. Möhle, C.T. Ke, Q. Wang, C. Thomas, D. Xiao, S. Karwal, M. Lodari, V. van de Kerkhof, R. Termaat, G.C. Gardner, G. Scappucci, M.J. Manfra, S. Goswami
Nano Lett. 21, 23, 9990-9996, arXiv: 2105.10437


Quantum dots in an InSb two-dimensional electron gas
Ivan Kulesh, Chung Ting Ke, Candice Thomas, Saurabh Karwal, Christian M. Moehle, Sara Metti, Ray Kallaher, Geoffrey C. Gardner, Michael J. Manfra, Srijit Goswami
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 041003


Ballistic superconductivity and tunable π-junctions in InSb quantum wells
Chung Ting Ke, Christian M. Moehle, Folkert K. de Vries, Candice Thomas, Sara Metti, Charles R. Guinn, Ray Kallaher, Mario Lodari, Giordano Scappucci, Tiantian Wang, Rosa E. Diaz, Geoffrey C. Gardner, Michael J. Manfra, Srijit Goswami
Nature Communications, 10, 3764


Magnetic field compatible circuit quantum electrodynamics with graphene Josephson junctions
J.G. Kroll, W. Uilhoorn, K.L. van der Enden, D. de Jong, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, S. Goswami, M.C. Cassidy & L.P. Kouwenhoven
Nature Communications 9, 4615

Transport regimes of a split gate superconducting quantum point contact in the two-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 superfluid
Holger Thierschmann, Emre. Mulazimoglu, Nicola Manca, Srijit Goswami, Teun M. Klapwijk & Andrea D. Caviglia
Nature Communications 9, 2276


Ballistic Superconductivity in Semiconductor Nanowires
Hao Zhang, Onder Gül, Sonia Conesa-Boj, Kun Zuo, Vincent Mourik, Folkert K. de Vries, Jasper van Veen, David J. van Woerkom, Michaël P. Nowak, Michael Wimmer, Diana Car, Sébastien Plissard, Erik P.A.M. Bakkers, Marina Quintero-Pérez, Srijit Goswami, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Leo P. Kouwenhoven
Nature Communications 8, 16025

Current-phase Relation of Ballistic Graphene Josephson Junctions
G. Nanda, J. L. Aguilera-Servin, P. Rakyta, A. Korm´anyos, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, L. M. K. Vandersypen, S. Goswami
Nano Letters 17, 3396

Electronic Transport in Helium-ion-beam Etched Encapsulated Graphene Nanoribbons
Gaurav Nanda, Gregor Hlawacek, Srijit Goswami, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Paul F.A. Alkemade,
Carbon 119, 419

Side Gate Tunable Josephson Junctions at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface
A.M.R.V.L. Monteiro, D.J. Groenendijk, N. Manca, E. Mulazimoglu, S. Goswami, L.M.K. Vandersypen, A.D. Caviglia,
Nano Letters 17, 715


Current Crowding Mediated Large Contact Noise in Graphene Field-Effect Transistors
Paritosh Karnatak∗ , T Phanindra Sai∗ , Srijit Goswami∗ , Subhamoy Ghatak, Sanjeev Kaushal and Arindam Ghosh,
Nature Communications 7, 13703
∗ equal contributions

Quantum Interference in an Interfacial Superconductor
Srijit Goswami∗ , Emre Mulazimoglu∗ , Ana M. R. V. L. Monteiro, Roman W¨olbing, Dieter Koelle, Reinhold Kleiner, Ya. M. Blanter, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen and Andrea D. Caviglia,
Nature Nanotechnology 11, 861
∗ equal contributions


Defect Control and n-doping of Encapsulated Graphene by Helium-Ion-Beam Irradiation
Gaurav Nanda, Srijit Goswami, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi and Paul Alkemade,
Nano Letters 15, 4006

Ballistic Josephson Junctions in Edge-contacted Graphene
V. E. Calado∗ , S. Goswami∗ , G. Nanda, M. Diez, A. R. Akhmerov, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, T. M. Klapwijk and L. M. K. Vandersypen,
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 761
∗ equal contributions

Nanoscale Electrostatic Control of Oxide Interfaces
Srijit Goswami, Emre Mulazimoglu, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen and Andrea D. Caviglia,
Nano Letters 15, 2627 [featured in Nature Nanotechnology research highlights]


Fermi-edge Transmission Resonance in Graphene Driven by a Single Coulomb Impurity
Paritosh Karnatak∗ , Srijit Goswami∗ , Vidya Kochat, Atindra Nath Pal and Arindam Ghosh,
Phys. Rev. Lett 113, 026601
∗ equal contributions

Ballistic Transport in Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
V. E. Calado, Shou-En Zhu, S. Goswami, Q. Xu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, G. C. A. M. Janssen and L. M. K. Vandersypen,
Appl. Phys. Lett. [Cover Feature]


Graphene-MoS2 Hybrid Structures for Multifunctional Photoresponsive Memory Devices
Kallol Roy, Medini Padmanabhan, Srijit Goswami, T. Phanindra Sai, Gopalakrishnan Ramalingam, Srinivasan Raghavan and Arindam Ghosh,
Nature Nanotechnology 8, 826

Optically Active Heterostructures of Graphene and Ultrathin MoS2
Kallol Roy, Medini Padmanabhan, Srijit Goswami, T. Phanindra Sai, Sanjeev Kaushal and Arindam Ghosh,
Solid State Comm. 175-176, 35


Colossal Non-saturating Linear Magnetoresistance in Two-dimensional Electron Systems at a GaAs/AlGaAs Heterointerface
M. A. Aamir, Srijit Goswami, Matthias Baenninger, Vikram Tripathi, Michael Pepper, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie and Arindam Ghosh,
Phys. Rev. B 86, 081603(R) [Editors’ Suggestion]

Transport Through an Electrostatically Defined Quantum Dot Lattice in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas
Srijit Goswami, M. A. Aamir, Christoph Siegert, Michael Pepper, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie and Arindam Ghosh,
Phys. Rev. B 85, 075427


Signatures of an Anomalous Nernst Effect in Mesoscopic Two-Dimensional Electron Systems
Srijit Goswami, Christoph Siegert, Michael Pepper, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie and Arindam Ghosh,
Phys. Rev. B 83, 073302


Thermoelectric Properties of Electrostatically Tunable Antidot Lattices
Srijit Goswami, Christoph Siegert, Saquib Shamim, Michael Pepper, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie and Arindam Ghosh,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 132104


Highly Enhanced Thermopower in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems at Milli-Kelvin Temperatures
Srijit Goswami, Christoph Siegert, Matthias Baenninger, Michael Pepper, Ian Farrer, David A. Ritchie and Arindam Ghosh,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 026602


Controllable Valley Splitting in Silicon Quantum Devices
Srijit Goswami∗ , K. A. Slinker∗ , Mark Friesen∗ , L. M. McGuire, J. L. Truitt, Charles Tahan, L. J. Klein, J. O. Chu, P. M. Mooney, D. W. van der Weide, Robert Joynt, S. N. Coppesmith and Mark A. Eriksson,
Nature Physics 3, 41
∗ equal contributions


Quantum Dots and Etch-Induced Depletion of a Silicon 2DEG
L. J. Klein, K. L. M. Lewis, K. A. Slinker, Srijit Goswami, D. W. van der Weide, R. H. Blick, P. M. Mooney, J. O. Chu, S. N. Coppersmith, Mark Friesen, and Mark A. Eriksson,
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 023509


Quantum Dots in Si/SiGe 2DEGs with Schottky Top-gated Leads K. A. Slinker, K. Lewis, C. C. Haselby, S. Goswami, L. J. Klein, J. O. Chu, S. N. Coppersmith, Robert Joynt, R. H. Blick, Mark Friesen, and M. A. Eriksson
New J. Phys. 7, 246


Coulomb Blockade in a Si/SiGe Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Quantum Dot
L. J. Klein, K. A. Slinker, J. L. Truitt, S. Goswami, K. L. M. Lewis, S. N. Coppersmith, D. W. van der Weide, Mark Friesen, R. H. Blick, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, Charlie Tahan, Robert Joynt, M. A. Eriksson, J. O. Chu, J. A. Ott, and P. M. Mooney,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4047