Our story
A long tradition of excellence
The decision to establish the QuTech advanced research centre was presented in October 2013 after an extensive internal and external consultation process. At that time, Delft already had a very strong scientific competence in the field of quantum information solid-state physics. This was a result of in quantum and nanoscience fuelled by strategic investments by the university and NWO (in particular through a FOM Focus Group 2004-2013).
In 2012, a consortium of TU Delft and Leiden was awarded an ERC Synergy Grant for a Quantum Computing Lab, providing an excellent basis for strongly synergetic research between the Delft scientific groups of Prof. Leo Kouwenhoven, Prof. Ronald Hanson, Prof. Lieven Vandersypen and Prof. Leo DiCarlo working on different solid-state qubit technologies, in collaboration with Prof. Carlo Beenakker of Leiden University. To advance this core of excellent quantum information research towards technology, the need was identified to expand the competences through adding other disciplines, including computer science, quantum information theory and electrical engineering. Moreover, a different complementary mindset – that of applied engineering towards higher technology readiness levels (TRL) – was desirable. This starting point was written down in a proposal for QuTech, that resonated within the faculties and with the Ministry of Economic Affairs, TNO and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
In 2014, QuTech was awarded the National Icon status by the Dutch government because of its pioneering and innovative character, the economic potential for the Netherlands and the possible contribution to major social challenges such as Energy Supply and Safety.
In the partner covenant of QuTech of June 2015, the Minister of Economic Affairs, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, TU Delft, TNO and NWO undersigned their intention to support QuTech for the period 2015- 2025. TKI Holland High Tech is also a partner in the covenant QuTech. TKI Holland High Tech is one of the nine key economic areas (the top sectors) established and supported by the Dutch government to further strengthen the Dutch international position through the “golden triangle” formed by companies, research institutes and government.