Quantum Network Explorer launch

On 19 November QuTech launched the World’s first Quantum Network Explorer (QNE) platform where you can:
Explore pre-built applications:
- Distributed CNOT
- State Teleportation
- The Application Development Kit for Quantum Network Explorer (QNE-ADK)
- Dive into your A-Z guide of simple, bite-sized explainers to help you understand all about quantum technologies.
We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did!

Event programme
- 15:30 – 15:35 – WELCOME – [Prof. Ir. Deborah Nas, TU Delft – event chair]
- 15:35 – 15:45 – KEYNOTE: Quantum internet technology vision – [Prof. Dr. Stephanie Wehner, QuTech]
- 15:45 – 16:15 – SESSION 1 + Q&A: Exploring quantum networks
- [Dr. Wojciech Kozlowski, Qutech]
- [Dr. Marie-Christine Roehsner, QuTech]
- [Drs. Önder Karpat, QuTech]
- [Dr. Ingrid Romijn, QuTech]
- [Prof. Ir. Deborah Nas, TU Delft – session chair]
- 16:15 – 16:45 – SESSION 2 + Q&A: What is next for quantum networks?
- [Prof. Dr. Stephanie Wehner, QuTech]
- [Ir. Rob Smets, SURF]
- [Jesse Robbers, Quantum Delta NL]
- [Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC]
- [Prof. Ir. Deborah Nas, TU Delft – session chair]
Making the event safe
To be adequately prepared for any situation, we have been working with venue provider and suppliers to create a safe environment* for attendees. As such, we have implemented a programme of enhanced measures, including:
- Rules of entry: All attendees will be asked to present a vaccination certificate, proof of recovery or a negative test not older than 24 hours at the time of admission on the day of the event.
- Social distancing: The venue has sufficient space to ensure that attendees maintain appropriate distance in all areas where there is seating.
- Air quality: Air will be filtered in all spaces and face masks handed out at registration.
- Flow of traffic: Clear signage will be introduced to secure safe movement inside the venue.
- Sanitisation: All surfaces will be sanitised and cleaned. We will also have sanitising stations available throughout the venue.
- Catering: Set-up in line with latest government regulations and organised in a decentralised way to avoid formation of crowds.
*Please note: The measures mentioned above are subject to changes. These may occur as a result of changes to applicable rules and regulations, changed requirements from our venue providers and suppliers, as well as at our own discretion. We therefore kindly request you to frequently check our overview of measures for updates. Furthermore, we entrust your kind cooperation in meeting these measures prior to and during the event, such as by meeting the rules of entry, frequently sanitising your hands, wearing a mask, and keeping your distance. Though we are confident in having taken appropriate measures to minimize the risk of infections during the event and where necessary will update these measures, we cannot guarantee no infections will take place during the event and accept no liability in any form should such infection(s) take place despite the measures we have taken.