Excellent evaluation for QuTech
Evaluation Report 2022
An international review committee, chaired by professor Dave Blank, concluded that QuTech is very well equipped to realize its mission, and is recognized as a world-class research institute for quantum technology. According to the committee, the quality of the research and engineering activities of the institute is excellent beyond doubt, as demonstrated in high-quality output and world-leading work on several fields within quantum computing and the quantum internet. The boards of TU Delft and TNO have embraced the committee’s findings and incorporated their responses to the committee’s report into a position document.
QuTech mid-term review – Position statement Executive Boards TU Delft and TNO
Self-assessment QuTech 2019–2021 introduction

Excellent evaluation for QuTech
Evaluation Report 2019
An international review committee, chaired by professor Robbert Dijkgraaf, is ‘unreservedly positive about the success of QuTech in the past, and fully endorses the institute in the years to follow’. Dijkgraaf presented the evaluation report to TU Delft and TNO on Wednesday March 27, 2019.