Annual Report 2022

We are proud to present the annual report for 2022. Together, we’ve accomplished important milestones towards our mission of creating the quantum future.
To name a few: we produced the first industrially manufactured quantum bit together with our partner Intel. Our researchers succeeded in teleporting quantum information across a rudimentary network of 3 nodes. QuTech’s spin-off Q*Bird began connecting the port of Rotterdam to a quantum network that cannot be tapped or hacked. The Quantum Internet Alliance (QIA), led by QuTech, launched a seven-year program to build an innovative quantum internet ecosystem in Europe. In addition, an international review committee chaired by Professor Dave Blank, concluded that the quality of QuTech research and engineering activities is excellent beyond doubt.
In this annual report you will read more about these and many other highlights. None of them would have been possible without teamwork.
Please click on the image to view the report online, or visit our annual report page.