05.10.2021Quantum Internet
Mohamed Abobeih receives Rubicon grant for quantum computing research at Harvard

NWO announced today that QuTech’s Mohamed Abobeih will receive a Rubicon grant. The Rubicon programme gives young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain international research experience.

Quantum computers are prone to errors because their building blocks, qubits, are extremely fragile. Mohamed Abobeih will go to Harvard to realize fault-tolerant qubits using programmable arrays of trapped atoms. The key idea to overcome errors is to encode quantum states in multiple entangled qubits forming an error-corrected logical qubit with topological protection.
Abobeih: “Demonstrating a fault-tolerant logical qubit is a major challenge towards building large-scale quantum computers. During my PhD at QuTech I have extensively studied fault-tolerance using spin qubits in diamond. Now I would like to extend this research line into a different promising experimental platform (which comes with a different set of challenges and opportunities) in order to demonstrate such a fault-tolerant logical qubit.”