Home People Sébastian de Bone
PhD Candidate

Sébastian de Bone


Room B113/B115
Elkouss Group

Sébastian de Bone studied Applied Physics at the University of Twente (2017), where he specialized in electronic transport in superconducting nanostructures. From 2015 until 2018, he worked for the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) in The Hague. Sébastian contributed to projects about professional development and helped setting up a new qualification for engineers.

In 2018, Sébastian started his PhD at QuTech (TU Delft) and QuSoft (CWI, Amsterdam), in the groups of David Elkouss and Stacey Jeffery. For his PhD research, he theoretically investigates distributed quantum computer architectures (i.e., networks of quantum computers). Whereas scaling up the size of distributed quantum computers is relatively easy, operations between qubits generally require generation and consumption of entangled links, and, as a result, are prone to noise. Sébastian’s research focusses on modeling realistic distributed quantum computers and using these models to minimize the noise in their operations.

Sébastian is an editor for the Dutch Journal of Physics (NTvN) and likes reading and writing popular scientific publications on quantum computing, (fundamentals of) quantum mechanics and engineering. He is very passionate about playing guitar and uses most his remaining spare time to play football and tennis at an atrociously low level.
