Home People Christian Prosko
PhD Candidate

Christian Prosko


Room E245
Kouwenhoven Lab

Christian Prosko completed his Bachelor's degree in Mathematical Physics at the University of Alberta, studying lattice models of Majorana quasiparticles and electron-phonon interaction models. Afterwards, he joined the lab of Leo Kouwenhoven at the Delft University of Technology. Christian conducts research into microwave measurement techniques for usage in readout of topological qubits. In fact, this carried on into his PhD research in the same lab, where he is using high frequency sensing to improve experimental understanding of electron tunneling in semiconducting systems of quantum dots and superconducting islands.

Christian loves experimenting with cooking and fermenting food. He enjoys fresh air running, playing video games, and messing around with code in various programming projects. Eventually, he hopes to not only play them, but create a video game! Otherwise, he enjoys time with friends and wasting a lot of time watching his favorite ice hockey team: The Edmonton Oilers.
