
Quantum Transport (QT)

The story of a research group at the origin of nano and quantum science in Delft 1971-2013 by Hans Mooij

Home Hans Mooij

The book


On this page you can find Hans Mooij‘s book titled QT the story of a research group at the origin of nano and quantum science in Delft 1971-2013.

Delft, at this time, is a very strong center of research in nanoscience and
quantum information technology. How that came about is an intriguing
question. The group called Quantum Transport (QT in abbreviation) played
a crucial role. Its origin can be traced back to 1971.

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To request a printed version, please contact Eleonora van der Meer-Gevaerts (E.C.vanderMeer-Gevaerts[at]

About Hans Mooij

Hans (J.E.) Mooij (born 1941) is a Dutch physicist and professor emeritus of Delft University of Technology. He received his PhD in 1970 with professor Jan Berend Westerdijk. His research work was focused on the physics of nanostructures, superconducting nanodevices and quantum information.

Mooij worked at TU Delft from 1971 until his retirement in 2006. He is a member of the Netherlands Academy of Sciences. He was the first director of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience. Scientific honors include the Europhysics Prize for Condensed Matter and the Fritz London Memorial Prize. In 2020 he was awarded the Pieter Langerhuizen Oeuvre Prize for Physics, now financing this booklet. The Mooij lecture room in the Physics building is named after him.