Board of Directors

Kees Eijkel


General Director QuTech

Room E133
Management Assistant: Eleonora van der Meer-Gevaerts - QuTech

Kees Eijkel received his MSc in Mathematics from the University of Amsterdam and his PhD in Technical Sciences from the University of Twente in 1988. He then joined the Micromechanics Group in Twente as assistant professor. After that, he was in charge of the Twente cleanrooms. He joined the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology in 2000 as business and operations director. From 2006 he was CEO of Kennispark Twente, the regional science park and Twente University startup and IP licensing organization around the University of Twente and Saxion. Before joining QuTech he was Director for Strategic Business Development at the University of Twente.
